Neskončno smo ponosni, da je nagrada “Conventa Best Event Award 2019 – Winner of the Audience” naša! Dobili smo samoroga!

Veliko nam pomeni že to, da smo v družbi skoraj 40 izjemnih evropskih projektov prišli med finaliste, da pa nam je tako strokovna publika podelila nagrado – to pa je bilo nepričakovano in veliko presenečenje! Hvala draga publika, hvala ekipa, hvala dragi igralci, da ste Axe Throwing Europe#Sekiromet prepoznali kot prostor, kjer lahko poiščemo nekaj prvinskega v sebi, se družimo v družbi prijateljev v trendovskem prostoru, ku je osvežujoče prost novih tehnologij. Hvala, hvala, hvala!

Takole smo povedali: »Escape room Enigmarium and Orehov gaj experience designers have combined the gamification and communication skills to create something refreshingly new that grow from an unknown activity to a recognizable brand that everyone in Slovenia knows about, popular sport, outdoor unit, and mobile unit.  Axe throwing satisfies a nostalgic yearning for a supposedly simpler past with a form of entertainment that is refreshingly removed from technology. It allows cooped-up, stressed-out urban people to socialize and get out their frustrations in a safe environment. That’s why Axe throwing become one of the hottest trends in group activities. Try your hand at being a lumberjack  –  you won’t believe the thrill of hitting the bulls-eye!”